
Website Terms and Conditions of Use

1. Terms 

By accessing this Website, accessible from, you are agreeing to be bound by these Website Terms and Conditions of Use and agree that you are responsible for the agreement with any applicable local laws. If you disagree with any of these terms, you are prohibited from accessing this site. The materials contained in this Website are protected by copyright and trade mark law.

2. Use License

Permission is granted to temporarily download one copy of the materials on Ibilities Inc.’s Website for personal, non-commercial transitory viewing only. This is the grant of a license, not a transfer of title, and under this license you may not:

·       modify or copy the materials;

·       use the materials for any commercial purpose or for any public display;

·       attempt to reverse engineer any software contained on Ibilities Inc.’s Website;

·       remove any copyright or other proprietary notations from the materials; or

·       transferring the materials to another person or “mirror” the materials on any other server.

This will let Ibilities Inc. to terminate upon violations of any of these restrictions. Upon termination, your viewing right will also be terminated and you should destroy any downloaded materials in your possession whether it is printed or electronic format. These Terms of Service has been created with the help of the Terms Of Service Generator and the Privacy Policy Generator.

3. Disclaimer

All the materials on Ibilities Inc.’s Website are provided “as is”. Ibilities Inc. makes no warranties, may it be expressed or implied, therefore negates all other warranties. Furthermore, Ibilities Inc. does not make any representations concerning the accuracy or reliability of the use of the materials on its Website or otherwise relating to such materials or any sites linked to this Website.

4. Limitations

Ibilities Inc. or its suppliers will not be hold accountable for any damages that will arise with the use or inability to use the materials on Ibilities Inc.’s Website, even if Ibilities Inc. or an authorize representative of this Website has been notified, orally or written, of the possibility of such damage. Some jurisdiction does not allow limitations on implied warranties or limitations of liability for incidental damages, these limitations may not apply to you.

5. Revisions and Errata

The materials appearing on Ibilities Inc.’s Website may include technical, typographical, or photographic errors. Ibilities Inc. will not promise that any of the materials in this Website are accurate, complete, or current. Ibilities Inc. may change the materials contained on its Website at any time without notice. Ibilities Inc. does not make any commitment to update the materials.

6. Links

Ibilities Inc. has not reviewed all of the sites linked to its Website and is not responsible for the contents of any such linked site. The presence of any link does not imply endorsement by Ibilities Inc. of the site. The use of any linked website is at the user’s own risk.

7. Site Terms of Use Modifications

Ibilities Inc. may revise these Terms of Use for its Website at any time without prior notice. By using this Website, you are agreeing to be bound by the current version of these Terms and Conditions of Use.

8. Your Privacy

Please read our Privacy Policy at

9. Governing Law

Any claim related to Ibilities Inc.’s Website shall be governed by the laws of af without regards to its conflict of law provisions.


Informationspflicht laut § 5 TMG.

8583 10TH ST N, APT C, 
33702 St. Petersburg, Florida, USA

Tel.: (727) 488 0655

Quelle: Erstellt mit dem Impressum Generator von AdSimple



Gemäß Verordnung über Online-Streitbeilegung in Verbraucherangelegenheiten (ODR-Verordnung) möchten wir Sie über die Online-Streitbeilegungsplattform (OS-Plattform) informieren.
Verbraucher haben die Möglichkeit, Beschwerden an die Online Streitbeilegungsplattform der Europäischen Kommission unter zu richten. Die dafür notwendigen Kontaktdaten finden Sie oberhalb in unserem Impressum.

Wir möchten Sie jedoch darauf hinweisen, dass wir nicht bereit oder verpflichtet sind, an Streitbeilegungsverfahren vor einer Verbraucherschlichtungsstelle teilzunehmen.


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Sollten Ihnen problematische oder rechtswidrige Inhalte auffallen, bitte wir Sie uns umgehend zu kontaktieren, damit wir die rechtswidrigen Inhalte entfernen können. Sie finden die Kontaktdaten im Impressum.

Haftung für Links auf dieser Website

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Wenn Ihnen rechtswidrige Links auf unserer Website auffallen, bitte wir Sie uns zu kontaktieren. Sie finden die Kontaktdaten im Impressum.


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